10k Training Guide

After youve built up a good base and feel good about 5ks and below, you might want to consider running a 10k. Although it is only 6.2 miles, a 10k is a completely different animal than a 5k and requires a bit more of a serious training approach. You will need to work much harder on all fronts, as well as be comfortable calculating your own pace chart. In this type of race, it is very easy to burn out quickly and find yourself demoralized as you get passed over and over again. You are much better off taking it easy early and then pushing yourself once you get into a rhythm. In this guide, we arent going to lay out a specific training chart because I am assuming you have a better knowledge of your current level than I do. Instead we are going to talk about what you need to include in your routine on a general level. Since I have no idea where you are in your training, it would serve no purpose to lay out a specific guide that might either be too easy or too difficult. So, with that being said lets talk about some 10k training.
- To run strong in this race, youll need to be running about 18-24 miles per week at a minimum. This should take you on average about 45-60 minutes per session.
- Dont let yourself off easy by focusing on mileage instead of intervals or hills. Most 10k courses have a mix of hills and so some form of hill training is essential. Also, without intervals you will find your legs dying quickly when you get passed or try to make a run. Although you may not be trying to win, it is no fun to be passed by anyone. Train intervals to keep people at your heels.
- Test yourself with long 90 minute runs. I call these confidence runs because they show you just how much damage your body can take. Doing these runs once every week or two, will give your legs and lungs a boost.
- Dont forget to rest! It is easy to overtrain when you are training for races, so remember to monitor your body to see when a rest day is required.
- Good Running Shoes are important! I cant say it enough, dont slack on the shoes.
- Lastly, push yourself. The only way to get stronger and faster is to push your limits. Use your watch to test times and monitor your progress. Keep trying to beat your best times and youll find your VO2 max increasing, which will pay BIG dividends come race time.